Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Was it all for nothing?

I have felt the call to be a counselor since I was a teenager. I actually can't remember a time when I wasn't counseling someone in some capacity. I was in fifth grade the first time a friend confided in me that her home life was horrible and she didn't know what to do. I remember that day well because I held her while she cried and it happened that way countless times through junior high, high school and college. I knew I wanted to be a Christian counselor in college which is why I got my degree in ministry. It went perfectly with the graduate degree I would earn in counseling to be able to minister to people in the way I felt so called to do. But 4 years of college, 3 years of grad school, a lengthy exam, endless paperwork just to show I passed that exam, months of waiting, an extremely difficult pregnancy, a beautiful baby boy and no supervisor after 3 and a half years and it would seem that this dream, this calling, isn't going to happen. At least not the way I had always thought it would. I have spent 2 years looking for a supervisor with no success. I have loved every minute of being at home with my Conner bug but can't help but wonder how this dream will ever become a reality. I have always known deep in my soul that I was called to counsel and have spent a lot of time this past year angry with God because it seems that my time will run out on my license without earning my hours and I will have to start all over. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? WHY?!?!?!

Then one night my husband decided to show a video to our students of a sermon on King David. You see, he was anointed to be king at 15 but he did not become king for another 15 years. He did a great number of seemingly thankless jobs, was ridiculed by his brothers, took care of animals, lost his best friend, was hunted by the king he served and the list could go on and on. But David never gave up, though he felt like it, though he thought there was no possible way, though the pain and loss seemed endless, he kept seeking God and believing him for what he had promised.
I struggle very hard with believing God for even the smallest of miracles even though he has proved himself time and again. So, my years spent selling Clinique, watching children, selling toys, doing office work, studying, doing counseling all day and going to class all night were not for nothing. They were worth it to get me to my calling. They were worth it to get me to a place where I can see God for who he is and not what he can give me. They were worth it for me to be able to help women see their value and to be reminded that my value is not in the job I hold but who I am in Christ. They were worth it if all I ever did was learn to love my husband and son well. And most of all they were worth it for that one person who sat across from me in a session and realized their need for a savior.
My calling may never look like I thought or even hoped, it will be more, and to be honest, it became more the day I stopped saying it wasn't enough.

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