Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Family We Choose

I have heard and read many times that there is the family we are born into and then there is the family we choose. The family I chose actually chose me. We stumbled onto each other at the time when we needed each other most. Over 4 years ago I met my husband, over 6 years ago the women I call my brothers and sisters. Since knowing these people my life has not been the same. We truly grew up together, found out what love and life are about, and most of all who God is. I stayed up late the other night talking to Dani, one of my sisters, feeling that it is ok to disagree with her, challenge her, cry with her, and ask all the hard questions. She and I have gone through much together, and still after it all there is a peace in knowing that a real friend, is actually family. They will let you hurt, speak truth when its hard, give you the space you need to mourn, love you deeply, correct you, and most of all pray for you. You may be far apart, hurt each other, bless each other, and will still come back together as though no time has passed. If this is not family is I don't know what is. I know not where these amazing people and I will end up or what growing pains we will endure. But I do know that wherever it is, we will be, above all else, family.