Saturday, June 29, 2013

8 Days

Saturday........................Not too bad, I can do this. Sure I'm sick but it's not too bad.

Sunday................................Tired, and getting sicker. Missing David already.

Monday.......................................So sick I just lay there and let Conner crawl on me.

Tuesday...................................................Full of cold medicine and having my worst day yet.

Wednesday...............................................Tear up as I hear Conner call for daddy over and over.

Thursday...................................................Starting to feel a bit better and missing David more than ever.

Friday.......................................................................Just keep going, just keep going, just keep going.

Saturday.......................Daddy brings home dinner and we play in the floor for 2 hours with little bug.

David and I don't spend much time apart. We love being together and don't often tire of each other's company. For the past week David was on a mission trip in south Texas and we were apart longer than we have been in our 8 years together. Normally it would be very difficult for me to be seperated from him but having Conner makes the time apart seem to go on forever. Our little boy is very close to his father and each day they were apart I could see his little emotions show the loss. Each day was a new experience for us as we learned how to cope without his daddy. He would look around more each day seeming to be searching for his dad. He would even keep touching David's face through the phone when we would facetime! It was the cutest thing I have seen yet! His dad reads him stories as night, teaches him how to play soccer, is Conner's own personal jungle gym, teaches him, loves him, and shows him how to love mommy too. I know to many this time was just a week but in everyday life as in our spiritual life, any time away from the father hurts.

At first it doesn't seem so hard and you think you will be fine.  Then as each day passes you realize how much you love, need, count on, feel safe with, enjoy, and long for the company of the father. I struggled with the difficulties of being a single mom for a week and I am so very grateful that I have such an amazing partner to go through life with. David's overwhelming love and kindness, his patience with me and our son, his beautiful walk with God all that he is are so beautiful to me. Yet, seeing the way Conner's face light up with he saw his daddy filled me with more joy than I ever thought possible. He has his daddy back and can't get enough of him. I can hear his giggling at this very moment from across the house. He is delighting in his father. I can learn a thing or 10 from my precious son. I love, adore and delight in his earthly father just as he does. How I long to delight in my heavenly father the way my son delights in his daddy. To reach out and touch his face and hear him sing over me only takes coming to him as a child. To him I will always be his little girl.