Monday, March 22, 2010

A Fresh Face & a New Perspective

At the end of each day I go about the same routine.  Sometimes the routine begins later than others depending on how much homework I have but the routine is always the same. I take off my makeup, I lather up my face, let it sit for a minute until I begin to feel that the days dirt has been diluted. Then I rinse off the soap, use a toner to feel fresh and clean and moisturize.  Finally I sit in front of a fan and feel the cool air on my clean face. This is one of my favorite times of the day.  I can finally relax from all of the days work, I'm in my pajamas and all of the concerns of the day begin to fade. As I look closer I see the inconsistancy between what I do to take care of my outside while almost totally neglecting my inside.  The food I eat is so random and mostly unhealthy with very little concern for what is best for my body and instead a selfish desire for what tastes good at the moment. Why the glaring contradiction?  There are so many reasons, excuses, and choices that go into why I do what I do. None of which seem to make a great deal of sense.  Sadly, it would seem that my choices with food mirror my relationship with God much more than my care for the outside. My skin, my hair, my clothes are all well thought out and planned and yet what matters most is treated badly and neglected.
So, now I am reading a book on what is best to put into your body and frustrating my husband that there is no longer garlic bread; but at least its a start.  Being strong and healthy physically and spiritually are linked I believe.  They are not simply a lifestyle that comes naturally to all.  For me it is a daily choice to be good to myself and those I love.As I learn to love what is best for me I find myself wanting to read the word of God more, pray more, and find that silence is not as scary as it once was.  Does that mean that if we all eat better we will be closer to God? I don't know.  But it seems to be helping me get closer to God, and have healthier skin, and my clothes fit again!  It would seem that what Christ spoke of is true.  When we are clean on the inside the outside takes care of itself.

Snowball Fights and Snow Days in Texas

POP! That was the only thing I heard as the snowball the size of my husband's feet hit me right in the ear!  When I turned around to see where the snowball came from all I could see was the wisp of bright red hair of one of our Church's preteen boys as he ran away as fast as he possibly could.  Normally this would frustrate me, after all he was messing with the hair!  But this time I could not help but join in.  We chased each other, threw snow, fell down, and laughed so hard that we could not tell if it was the cold weather making us breathless or all of this running around.  My husband and all the preteens were pummeling each other with snowballs as we waited for their parents to arrive after a conference we had taken them to.  I had been so excited about the foot of snow that had fallen at record speed for the past 2 days.  School, work, and almost all other activities had been called off or canceled and I was forced to do nothing but stay indoors and spend some much needed time with my sweet husband.  I was ecstatic!  Then life hit and we were forced to run errands, make phone calls, and return to life as we knew it and I was finding myself disappointed and a bit cranky. I tried not to show my crankiness but that never seems to work.  I had told my husband that I really wanted to just be at home with him and play in the snow.  And as I stood there in the cold with a dozen preteens and snowballs flying I realized that sometimes God gives us something even better to help us realize that Pop! His plans are much better than ours!  I went home that night covered in snow, tired, relieved of my anxiety, and happily holding my husband's hand.