Thursday, April 1, 2010

Saving Face with the Generic Brands

In the name of saving money and getting our priorities in order David and I took a long hard look at what we spent our money on.  Some things we think we need we really don't.  Some things we think we need are bad for us.  Some things we need we do truly need.  And then there are the things that we use that are still good but cost less.  These are the generic brands that keep our lives running and money in our pockets.  I love generic brands.  They are like saving money without sacrificing.  Some of these generic brands are even better than their more expensive counterparts.  It is with this knowledge that I chose to try a different facial cleanser to save us a big chunk of change.  My husband smiled when I said I would try this.  He knows my fear of having acne again.  Which is why in the almost 6 years of knowing me he never gave me a hard time about using clinique.  It helped my skin and therefore my outlook.

This may seem silly but for me to try a new facial routine is extremely nerve racking.  I struggled and from time to time still struggle with acne.  For anyone who has ever struggled with this it is unthinkable to switch from a product that works to one that we are unsure of.  Our face is what we show the world.  We want it at its best.  We want to be beautiful. As women being beautiful is extremely important.  We want to be admired, sought after, and pursued.  What is my point you might ask.  Well I'll get to it.  I tried the generic brand of facial cleanser.  I just knew it would not work.  Well I was wrong.  It did work and my face is in even better shape than it was using clinique.  What I was using was too harsh on my skin and for years I have been dry and itchy.  Acne free but dry and itchy.  Often the nourishment we seek is found in the simple things that have been there all along that we thought we were too good for. 

The simple things of God are what grow and change us the most.  Yet, they are the things that we cannot seem to find time or energy for.  Sitting in silence, listening to a still small voice,  reading the simple yet complex and powerful words of a God who loves us.  For these things we often cannot be bothered.  And then we find these things become essential to our ability to progress and suddenly we are willing to try them.  The results are incredible as they always are and so we continue in them for a while.  Then like God's children in the desert we grow weary of the things that are good for us and long for the things that held us captive.  No, clinique is not the egyptian pharoah holding me captive.  Yes, I might be stretching this a bit.  But for me it makes sense and I see it every single time I look in the mirror.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Paul said we are to be mature in Christ he doesn't want is to forget the things we learned as children in Christ which we often do - what if we forgot how to walk? We wouldn't get anywhere as mature adults - how quickly we forget the simple things that are our foundation- you are right and very wise my love