Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Eggs and the Empty Tomb

I love this time of year.  There is such a sense of renewal.  There is so much joy and all the tough and painful situations don't seem as important when we focus on the constant love and compassion we are crowned with because of Christ.  Yes, we buy new Easter dresses, take pictures, hunt eggs filled with chocolate if we are lucky, and we eat A LOT!!!  Some say that to celebrate in these ways may be silly; but for me each beautiful part of the celebration is a joyful reminder of the gift given and the peace that surpasses all understanding.  There is a similar celebration at Christmas.  For me Christmas holds a beauty all its own but its Easter that seems to set my mind and heart at ease in a way I'm not certian I can describe. 

I will never forget seeing the passion of the Christ and watching all the painful acts he had to undure.  Yet what sticks out most in my mind is not his crucifixion.  It was the moment when he sat up and just walked out of the tomb.  At that moment all of the pain, hurt, fear, humiliation, agony, weight, longing, loss, and seperation were swept away.  I think this is why I love the resurrection so much.  In my life it is what I have walked through and been broken by that I always thought mattered so much. But as I look back it seems that it is the moments that I realize there has been a victory and I am walking in it that makes the most impact.  Sadly, I don't realize the victory has taken place till weeks or even months after and I am deeply sad.  During all of that time I walk through life as though I am still in a broken and useless season.  For months God will have been trying to tell me that I am free and I am so consumed by the pain that I was in that I neglect to walk in the healing provided. 

There is no mistaking that on this day healing was provided.  But healing was not the only thing provided.  It was healing, relationship, and love provided once for all and the only way I could imagine Christ going through it all without calling the angels down to stop it is that he knew the victory that had already been won simply by him coming to earth.  We were given a chance to be in constant communion with our creator and to know what love truly is. Then we are able to share this incredible love with every person we come in contact with including our family, friends, spouse and hopefully ourselves! My continual healing is always at hand and always available.  To walk in it may be a battle but Jesus walked through life, temptation, betrayal, torture, and death.  Then he walked out of an empty tomb to show me how to walk and then run the race he has laid out before me.  So we walk one day at a time, some days we run, some we crawl but we take comfort in the fact that Jesus did the exact same thing.  My Savior is risen and he walks with me for all eternity.  Now I'm off to enjoy the beauty of Easter eggs and an empty tomb!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is one of your best and most thought out blogs yet - very nicely done and a great message. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the fun stuff of holidays as we do when we realize that Jesus is our focus and the reason we are able to have this fun.